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      The gym can be a scary place. Learning how to navigate it, perform exercises correctly, and use the gym equipment often takes time. Plus, add some social interactions, and you’ve got yourself the perfect recipe for gym anxiety.   Luckily, overcoming these feelings isn’t that difficult. Let’s see what you what can help.   Stop Overthinking It   Overthinking is one of the worst things you could do because your mind is bound to come up with all sorts of negative scenarios. Give yourself enough time, and you will come up with dozens of

    Teenage athletes are often advised to stick with their sport, practice regularly, and not worry about anything else. This advise has validity, as consistent practice is important for developing the specific skills athletes need.  However, just practicing your sport alone is often not enough. When done correctly, weight training is a valuable addition to a young athletes training routine and can assist in injury prevention, maintaining muscle balance and increasing overall performance in their chosen sport.   The Importance of Weight Training for Teenage Athletes   Weight training is beneficial for athletes because it: •

When it comes to sleep and the mind it can seem to be a double-edged sword, stress can cause us to have a lack of sleep, and a lack of sleep can cause stress. This article examines these rolls stress can play in our sleep patterns and how we can work towards a better stress sleep balance. A lack of sleep causing stress There are many reasons why we may find it difficult to sleep at night. Whilst the first thought that comes to mind may be stress, there a few other

Like most people, you probably experience the occasional slump and lousy workout. While sometimes necessary to endure, there are effective tactics we can use to boost our energy levels and perform well during most of our workouts. So, without further ado, let’s dive into four simple habits to boost your energy and athletic performance. Hit The Sack An Hour Earlier Each Night Getting enough sleep is challenging. Between work, maintaining a social life, and spending some time at home, we rarely get enough hours left for a good night’s sleep. But

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and there is no way to avoid it altogether. The car breaks down? Stress. You get sick just as you enter a challenging work week? Stress. You’re going through some relationship difficulties? Stress. While most sources of stress seem minor, they tend to add up and can have a cumulative effect that impacts our health, fitness, and well-being. Let’s see how psychological stress affects your fitness, why you need to manage it, and how to go about it. Three Ways In Which Stress Affects Your Fitness The

Weight loss is a desirable goal for many. The problem is, most people fail to achieve noticeable results. Plus, many of the ones who make a change end up returning to old behaviors and erasing their progress. But what if there were simple and effective tactics to lose weight? And what if there were a way to maintain our results with much less effort? The truth is, there are habits we can adopt, so let’s talk about them today. Eat More Slowly The first habit sounds simple enough, right? It is. Eating

Goals might seem unnecessary but having them provides you with a direction. Instead of jumping from one idea to the next, you have an objective that makes it easier for you to put together an effective plan. Plus, goals offer clarity and force you to evaluate what matters most. Too many people struggle to make progress precisely because they fail to realize what they truly want. But, as with most things, there is a right and wrong way to go about goal-setting. Today, we’ll go over the four steps you need to follow

Did you know that the adult human body is 60 percent water? Our lungs consist of a staggering 83 percent water, and even our bones seem watery at 31 percent.  Unsurprisingly, staying hydrated plays a vital role in our health and allows the body to carry out its many processes. But what makes hydration so important, and how can we start drinking more water right away? Let’s discuss. The Crucial Importance of Staying Hydrated One of the most notable benefits of drinking enough water relates to how you feel and how well you can perform

Be honest: Do you stretch your muscles? If not, why? Like most people, you probably don’t see much benefit in spending your time in various poses, stretching your muscles, and enduring discomfort. While the above is perfectly reasonable, stretching is good for us, and we should do it regularly, no matter how active we are and what fitness goals we want to achieve. Let’s see why that is. What Makes Stretching So Beneficial For Our Health? Improved Range of Motion One of the most notable benefits of stretching is that the activity improves our range

Everyone wants to lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Given the option, each person would pick health, vitality, and confidence. Of course, improving our nutrition is the primary way to improve how we feel, achieve our fitness goals, and become more fulfilled. The question is, which path should we take? Should we follow a diet or try to improve our nutritional habits and hope for the best? Let’s discuss. Strict Diets: The Alluring But Deeply Flawed Option Strict Diets seem great - there is no question about it. You receive a somewhat detailed