The Power of Personalised Training: Why Smaller Class Sizes Lead to Better Fitness Results
With an overwhelming amount of information available on different fitness routines and exercises, it can take time to figure out where to start your exercise journey. This is something our fitness team can help you with. At ENZED Fitness, one of the services we offer is smaller, personalised group training for all our members. Smaller group training is where several people train together, where you otherwise would do one-on-one. In this blog post, we will cover smaller fitness class advantages such as: Better trainer-to-member ratio Increased accountability Optimal learning and skill development
Improve your golf swing with strength training
Golf is a sport that requires a great deal of technique, finesse and athleticism. While it may seem like a leisurely activity, the amount of physical exertion required to hit the ball accurately and consistently can be demanding. One way to improve your golf game is through strength training. Here are some of the benefits of strength training on your golf swing: Increased Power and Distance Strength training can help you generate more power and distance in you golf swing. By building strength in your legs, core and upper body, you can
Staying Hydrated (How To Do It And Why It Is So Important)
Did you know that the adult human body is 60 percent water? Our lungs consist of a staggering 83 percent water, and even our bones seem watery at 31 percent. Unsurprisingly, staying hydrated plays a vital role in our health and allows the body to carry out its many processes. But what makes hydration so important, and how can we start drinking more water right away? Let’s discuss. The Crucial Importance of Staying Hydrated One of the most notable benefits of drinking enough water relates to how you feel and how well you can perform
Balance: The Key to a Fulfilling Fitness Lifestyle
Let’s face it: Balance has become somewhat of a buzzword in the last few years. Its most common use applies to work-life balance and learning how to balance fitness and your social life. Like most people, you’re probably tired of hearing old cliches and vague statements that don’t offer any actual value. What does balance mean, anyway? How do we achieve it? What if we don’t want balance but prefer to go all-in on our goals? We’ve put together this short guide to help you understand what balance truly is, why it’s essential, and
What Is a Fitness Mindset And How to Work On Developing One?
Have you ever wondered why some people achieve fantastic fitness results, where others stagnate for years and continuously struggle with consistency? Is it because of discipline, good genetics, luck, or having the right training plan? Sure, these things are beneficial and play some role in the equation. But everything, including our choices, beliefs, and actions, comes from the mind. More specifically, it all comes down to the mindset we carry. But what does that even mean? How can we go about improving our mindset? Today, we’ll go over everything you need to know.
What is a balanced diet, anyway?
You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Sure, it tends to be a bit overused these days, but there is a lot of truth to it. The fact is, we are what we eat, and making better nutritional choices can have a significant impact on our health, well-being, energy levels, and fitness results. In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at the importance of having a balanced diet. More importantly, we’ll go over what constitutes a balanced diet and how you can go about improving your nutrition. Let’s dive
ENZED Workout split and why it works
We’ve established why weight training and functional training are great for your health and fitness goals, but how exactly should you go about incorporating these types of training into your workout routine?