What Is a Fitness Mindset And How to Work On Developing One?
Have you ever wondered why some people achieve fantastic fitness results, where others stagnate for years and continuously struggle with consistency?
Is it because of discipline, good genetics, luck, or having the right training plan? Sure, these things are beneficial and play some role in the equation.
But everything, including our choices, beliefs, and actions, comes from the mind. More specifically, it all comes down to the mindset we carry.
But what does that even mean? How can we go about improving our mindset? Today, we’ll go over everything you need to know. Let’s dive in.
What is a Mindset?
We could look at a mindset in many ways, but perhaps the most accurate description is this:
A mindset is the person’s collection of thoughts, beliefs, and ways of looking at the world. Ten people could watch the same Youtube video or news report and come up with ten unique conclusions because of the different mindsets we carry.
For instance, the evening news might report a person who has achieved a staggering fitness transformation. One viewer might conclude, “Eh, they have good genetics.” where another might think, “Whoa, this person has surely worked hard for years to achieve this.”
According to experts, we can have a fixed or growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset believe their talents, abilities, and life situation are mostly set in stone and aren’t subject to change. As a result, they might not even try to change anything.
In contrast, a person with a growth mindset believes that everything is subject to change and that people can learn new things, improve, and turn their lives around. As a result, they are much more likely to be proactive in life and work on self-improvement.
A fitness mindset is synonymous with a growth mindset. In both cases, the person believes that improvements are possible through hard work and determination. After all, why would you put in the effort if you know that change isn’t possible?
But you might be wondering, “Well, how do I go about developing this fitness mindset? It surely has to be more difficult than thinking about it, right?” Let’s see.
How to Start Developing a Fitness Mindset: 4 Invaluable Tactics
- Work hard.
Yes, this might not seem like the most appealing thing to do, but it is essential. You see, confidence comes with experience. One of the best things you can do right away is to take action. Movement creates momentum, allows you to establish a positive feedback loop (where action breeds positive results that motivate us to take further action), and helps you gain traction. Before you know it, you’ll achieve some results and realize something essential:
Improvements are possible, but you need to work for them. This might seem simple, but believing it can do wonders for the way you see yourself and your current situation.
- Be pragmatic (practical)
Many people waste too much time analyzing every piece of information they consume. As a result, they find themselves consuming even more information, hoping to find the right answer. The truth is, there are many ways to get fit and achieve a specific goal. What most people miss is the action to get them there.
Going through some failures and setbacks is inevitable in fitness. The quicker you do this, the sooner you’ll see what works for you. So, make it a point to apply the information you come across. For one, this will help you take more action. It will also prevent you from suffering from information overload.
Over time, you’ll gain a much better understanding of what works and what doesn’t.
- Be careful who you surround yourself with.
It’s often said that we are an average of the five people we spend the most time with. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to surround yourself with people who motivate and elevate you. More importantly, it’s good to be around people who’ve achieved what you want to have.
In doing so, you pick up their beliefs and habits. You can motivate one another, share ideas, give feedback, and work toward improving yourself and your whole group.
Ask yourself this: “Is my current social group helping me reach my fitness goals or holding me back?”
- Beware of limiting beliefs.
We all have to deal with limiting beliefs from time to time. The problem is, feeding the wrong thoughts can impact our attitude toward fitness and the effort we are willing to put into it. For instance, if you believe that you have bad genetics, you wouldn’t work as hard. In contrast, if you believe that good fitness results are possible so long as you work hard, you would be much more likely to do everything in your power.