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Here at ENZED Fitness, we get a lot of people keen to start their fitness journey but are still determining where to start. Nutrition is an essential aspect of to any fitness journey and is crucial for optimal health. So, what should you do to optimise your diet for overall health and improved performance?  Luckily for you, we will be covering our tips and tricks for creating an easy-to-follow nutritional strategy to increase your performance. In this blog, we will cover:  Setting goals Balanced nutrition plans Nutrient-dense foods  Creating sustainable nutrition

Strength training has an overwhelming number of benefits. If you want to simply enhance your ability to perform daily activities or, are ready to become a serious lifter, it’s crucial to have your finger on the pulse when it comes to post-strength training recovery.  When you’re building a sustainable strength training routine, it’s important to not underestimate balancing intensity and recovery. Let’s explore what you need to know about recovery for strength training including: - Why rest is so important - Techniques for excellent recovery - Nutrition insights - The power of good sleep - And the

Training is essential to maintain a healthy body and mind, but doing the same routine repeatedly can become monotonous and even ineffective over time. If you're feeling stuck in your current training routine, it may be time to mix things up. Here are five signs it's time to shake up your training. You don't feel a sense of community or connection with your gym A sense of community can be a powerful motivator, and it's crucial to feel connected to the people around you. If you've been going to the gym

You may have heard this before - eating less is beneficial for your health, longevity, and well-being. In fact, certain cultures take this principal quite seriously.   In Japan,2 a nation with one of the longest life expectancies at 84.3 years, have a rule called Hara Hachi bu. The teaching translates to eating until you are eight parts (out of ten) full. While caloric restriction can be helpful for the average person, eating too little isn’t great for everyone, especially those looking to optimise their athletic performance, build muscle, lose etc. Today’s post

Learning to manage stress and paying attention to your mental health are two crucial keys in the formula for happiness, well-being, and fulfilment in life.  While there are multiple ways of dealing with stress and maintaining your mental health, one activity that is proven again and again to make a difference, moving your body. Physical movement is in our DNA, making exercise a habit is one of the best ways to become more resilient to stress, feel better, and keep mental conditions at bay.   Let’s review how strength training can help.   It’s

Weight loss is a desirable goal for many. The problem is, most people fail to achieve noticeable results. Plus, many of the ones who make a change end up returning to old behaviors and erasing their progress. But what if there were simple and effective tactics to lose weight? And what if there were a way to maintain our results with much less effort? The truth is, there are habits we can adopt, so let’s talk about them today. Eat More Slowly The first habit sounds simple enough, right? It is. Eating

Goals might seem unnecessary but having them provides you with a direction. Instead of jumping from one idea to the next, you have an objective that makes it easier for you to put together an effective plan. Plus, goals offer clarity and force you to evaluate what matters most. Too many people struggle to make progress precisely because they fail to realize what they truly want. But, as with most things, there is a right and wrong way to go about goal-setting. Today, we’ll go over the four steps you need to follow

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve fantastic fitness results, where others stagnate for years and continuously struggle with consistency? Is it because of discipline, good genetics, luck, or having the right training plan? Sure, these things are beneficial and play some role in the equation. But everything, including our choices, beliefs, and actions, comes from the mind. More specifically, it all comes down to the mindset we carry. But what does that even mean? How can we go about improving our mindset? Today, we’ll go over everything you need to know.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Sure, it tends to be a bit overused these days, but there is a lot of truth to it. The fact is, we are what we eat, and making better nutritional choices can have a significant impact on our health, well-being, energy levels, and fitness results. In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at the importance of having a balanced diet. More importantly, we’ll go over what constitutes a balanced diet and how you can go about improving your nutrition. Let’s dive